
I once used to live with my family, my mother Zephra, my father Geith and my brother Adran in a land known as, Arenan. Adran and I were obsessed by the beauty within nature as we used to explore into the wilderness and read dozens of books about what we would encounter in our surroundings. Our goal was to master the five main elements, (air fire water, earth, void), by using our mind, body and spirit. Each day we would practice, to grow our knowledge and to endure our strength. As time past, we’ve managed to shape four of the elements after intensive training which we were devoted to. Those were times of joy and happiness, until one day, we were brutally attacked by the Athean warriors, desperately wanting to conquer our lands. But they also wanted something else my father knew about, something of great value and importance, but my father refused to give them what they were looking for, so they decided to torcher him by killing my mother and by casting a spell on my brother so he would suffer for the rest of his life. My father wouldn’t speak, so he was physically tortured and killed. I wish I could have done something to help, but I wouldn’t stand a chance to defend them. By the way, I made a promise with my father to guard some of his research which he never mentioned what it was about, it might of been what they were looking for and I also know were he kept it hidden. After the attack, Adran mentioned he keeps hearing voices from the dead. He is able to communicate with some spirits but he also says that he can sense and see demons nearby. Another thing I noticed, was that he had a very weak immune system and his healing process from any small wound was very slow. Any severe cut, he could bleed to death or get a fatal infection. I tried finding out what my fathers notes were about, if there was some kind of spell to cure my brother, but the notes were written in some kind of code. This is when I decided to become a healer. Cure people from life and death illness, the ability to  travel between physical and spiritual realms, and transform energy, to cure my brother. Now, I have become one of the best healers. I am currently 24 years old. I serve the king to cure all of those who are wounded in battle, but I am still in my journey to find a cure for my brother's curse and to decipher my father's notes. Day by day, I keep reinforcing my abilities to keep moving during this journey.

One day, on my way to complete one of the missions my king had ordered me to accomplish Adran and I were on our way to complete our task. We  passed by a small bar, so we decided to ask if someone knew about a good mage who could'd help us during our journey. As soon as we got into to the bar, a fight broke out. Things got crazy in there. I went in to break out the fight. When things got settled, I encountered myself with two warriors and a mage. After a long talk sharing some of our background stories, we decided to team up as we continued a new journey. From this day on, we've been fighting battles, accomplishing new adventures day by day.
