Reflection #1

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Image Reference

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For my game design class, I was signed to a big project where is have to create any type of game I desire to make out of my imagination. There would be times where I would look and analyze other games to get an idea of some other game mechanics I could use and start building my own game. This game could be digital or non-digital. I am allowed to use any type of website, program, game engine and others, if I were to make a digital game. If I were to prefer a non-digital, it could be a card game, board game, collectable, others.

I’ve decided to make a digital game, now that for the previous project I challenged myself to modify a non-digital game. I am looking forward to learning new programs that I could use to make a game and experience the whole process of creating a game throughout my computer. I’ve decided to make the game adventurous, an RPG, where the character has to explore the world, collect items, fight with enemies during the journey, etc.

Image result for adventure
Image reference

Image result for creyMy first step to begin the creation of the game was to plan on a document what I was looking toward to. Set my ideas, organize them, search for information, and other things were required before writing the document. I took me a while to decide where I was going to make my game, because some tools or platforms were too advanced for me, others I went for me but I had to pay and it was too expensive, I don’t have the money. I tried in fortnite, but there was too much lag on my computer, so I wasn’t able to use it, it would have taken me a long time. I have minecraft, but I really don't know or see myself making a game in mine craft and I am also sure that I would get distracted and do other things in minecraft instead of the project. There was a point where I was going to pay $80 for RPG Maker, but then, I found this awesome program where I could make games for free and it is understandable, I could handle it. I saw some basic tutorials and I liked it, so now I've decided where I am making my game.

For the design document, I had to decide on a name for the game, what genre is the game, the platform used, provide a backstory of the game to give it some context, describe the characters, describe the enemies and the boss, explain the levels or phases of the game, describe objects that could be found during the game play. I also provided some images to give an idea of the characters, the environment and the items found in the game.

The time management has been a big challenge for me, my time is limited because I also have many other things I have to deal with. I have other assignments from other subjects, I am in my senior year and I have to plan what I am going to do after I finish my high school. I work around 18 hour per week to sustain myself with some of my needs and also for some wants. Make chores at home, continue with my homework and more.

Game creation process

Overall, I think this is a fun project, I can learn during the process and play my own game when I finish it, this would make me very proud of myself. The platform I am currently using seems fun and it’s not so hard to understand how it is used.
