Chase the Pizza

Image result for pizza pixel art

Mmmm today I am kind of hungry for pizza, I might order some this night grab a drink and do some coding. Speaking of coding, I just remember I had a task where my character has to eat a lot of pizza in able to earn point and avoid losing the game. Today I am going to make another tutorial in Make Code Arcade and see what new things I can expand upon it.

What new learning took place with this activity?

Not much, I learned a few things. Most of the concepts and the functions of the blocks I actually already know how they are used, and what they are used for, it's mainly practice. Well I got to know how to use the "pick random ... to ..." in the blocks of code. It is useful if you want a sprite to appear in a random position of the screen and it can be used for other things as well, it depends on the situation. In this case, the pizza appears in a random point throughout all the screen after I eat the pizza.

Did I encounter any challenges?

During the tutorial, I understood very well the procedures and the steps I was following. It was straight forward, there were no complications, and I consider I had no issues or major challenges. I only found myself with some challenges when I started to expand more upon the tutorial. It took me a while to figure out, where to put the range of the random position. I added more space to the area so that the game would be a little more challenging, but sometimes the pizza spawn too far or it spawn in a very small range. So that I had to adjust several times until I got it right. 

What did I modify?

I implemented more tiles in the background to give it more ambiance, more colors, and it turned out looking very nice. I add sound effects each time the player sprite overlapped or ate the pizza. I changed the player sprite to a random duck, I just felt like putting a duck eating pizza. I also expanded the area and add walls so that the sprite would not go to far away for the range of the pizza. 


I had fun playing around with the code, as I was experimenting with several blocks, trying to find out what happens if I did this or if I did that to the block’s positioning in the code. If I had more time, I would like to expand more from what I have right now and I am looking forward to keep learning new things. 
