Game Design Document

Image result for settlement fantasy forest

Creator: Carla S.

Game Title: Alderaath - A New Dimension Genre: RPG, adventure

Tool / Platform:  Crey

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Approximately 2 years have passed by since I woke up after the phenomenon of the “Universe Reset”. What about this strange phenomenon? Well, let's go back before such strange event had occurred and give some context of the situation that humanity and the rest of the universe was passing through.
September 5th of 2,721, the day of the “universe reset”. Nobody seemed to know of the exact timing of the event, but everybody knew for sure,the day was coming, sooner or later before the year 3,000. Based on this date, 700 years ago a group of scientists revealed secrets kept by NASA that were kept for approximately 20 years, about the investigation of a phenomenon called “The Big Rip”. In 2001 it was proven that such a phenomenon was going to occur many years ahead but it was very uncertain the time it would take place. By 2012, scientists were able to predict the latest time this was going to occur which was said to be during the year of 3,000 or earlier. A secret meeting was held during the year by scientists, members of NASA and other members from the government from different potential countries which was unknown who they were. It was planned to be kept as a secret upon the rest of society and never be told. Such a decision was made to prevent chaos all around the world and to avoid future violent conflicts. By 2021 a group of unknown scientists sabotage the plan, leaking out information worldwide which later on lead to chaos around the world which lasted for many years.

I have been told, that the leaked information about the “universe reset” consisted of a massive cosmic explosion caused by the alteration of the ripped particles. Why? Well, because of the constant expansion of the universe, the dark energy eventually became so strong that it created the universe to rip apart, tearing apart trillions of particles in space reversing the effect of expansion to a crunch of the universe. Before we were able to get “crunched” a blackhole was created which grew at a huge rate by the alternation of the particles in space millions of light years away from our galaxy. This was the discovery made in 2001 and scientists knew that the blackhole would grow so fast that it would eventually swallow us and send us to another dimension. But it has been a mystery of what would happen if we got swallowed by a blackhole until now.

I am the only survivor of the event of what I have known so far. Who knows if there are survivors in other dimension and where could that be. Things seem very similar to our previous dimension, there are even humans just like me, but I have noticed differences. The air feels different, there is less gravity in this new planet, I’ve seen new strange creatures, other creatures were mutated, I should be 42 years old but I apparently look and feel like a 15 year old teenager. There aren’t many humans, technology isn’t as advanced as in my old world. In other words, I was sent to another existing parallel universe and here I am, starting a new life in this strange world and I am currently on a mission to defeat some fearsome creatures the people fear. I have to retrieve a stolen archifact which was taken by the golems from the villagers. It has been said by the villagers that the archifact stores great power to protect their kingdom.


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Playable Character

Mia: 15 year old girl who is the only survivor of the “universe reset” that was sent to a planet named Alderaath. She is 5ft tall, weighs a total of 105 pounds. Short dark hair with dark brown eye colour.
Personality: Mia is a very friendly person to those who she trusts more. She tends to be very reserved, hard to earn her trust. She does not express her feelings, tends to be a very cold person when you met her. She only expresses her true identity towards people she trusts and cares about the most. Her humility is what makes her very special and also helps to keep her focused on her tasks. She analyzes small details everywhere she goes and barley leaves trail of where she has been, almost as if she where a ghost.
Strengths: very fast runner, good stamina, flexible, jumps very high, quiet and sneaky.
Weaknesses: poor strength, cold weather, sense of smell, allergic to tree nuts, daytime battles.


Golems: they move very slow, they are made out of stone, approximately 8 feet tall, they are very heavy, live in caves, attack if they are disturbed or when invading their territory. Not very common, they are active at day or night. They are very high in health which makes them hard to kill.

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Piggles: strange mutation of pigs which are carnivores. They are pretty strong and attack if they are bothered or hungry. Their lifespan is approximately 20 years. Their main prey: small mammals. Active during daytime.

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Talos sampsoni:  very fast creatures, like to hunt other small reptiles, carnivores, about 2.5ft tall, active at night, attacks if movement is detected, they don’t have very strong bodies. They like to live in dark and humid places.

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Drakus: a guardian of the underworld. He is about 8ft tall, with incredible strength, decent speed. He can be killed by crushing his skull into small pieces or daylight. Eats souls from animals but especially humans or other strong beasts to become more powerful, the more time he spends without eating soul, it can make him weaker.

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Erik: first person Mia meet after she woke up. He is 17 years old, likes to go hunting and woodcrafting. He is afraid of golems, doesn’t like to go and explore dark caves.

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Lucy: lives in the village with Mia, likes to take care of Mia and prepares very good dishes. She is 45 years old, her husband passed away years ago trying to defend the artifact which was stolen by Darkus. She wasn’t able to have kids.

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Roger: Mia’s pet, her best companion who helps her when she goes hunting.

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Intro Screen options: The player must explore new places in the new planet, as she will encounter enemies and other obstacles. Unlock unknown areas, hunt, kill enemies and creatures, defeat Darkus and retrieve the artifact.

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Level 1: The player has to collect a certain amount of items, earn more experience in able for the player to continue her journey in finding the artifact. As soon as the items are collected, a path will open and the player will encounter more obstacles.

Level 2: Continue with the path to the end until the player is face to face with the boss where the player will have to defeat him in able to retrieve the artifact.

Level 3: Find the artifact and go back to the village.


 Food: gives health to the player
             Image result for fantasy food art

  Weapons and armor are found in the village.
                        Image result for mystical sword

 Earn coins by hunting or mainly eliminating creatures.
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Winning / Losing Scenario:

In able to win the game, the player must complete the quest, defeat the boss and retrieve the artifact.
If you are eliminated during the journey, the player would be sent back to certain checkpoints if passed. If you are eliminated in stage one, the player would spawn back to the village.

Challenges you anticipate: The whole creation of the game would be a big challenge because it is my first time using Crey to create a game and I will have to look to tutorials for some tips and guidance. There would be changes during the creation of the game, I might encounter obstacles which would be too hard for me to solve at my current level with Crey.

Plan for Automation: initializing the game by selecting start game and have some settings displayed for the player such as sound, pause and other.


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