Mini Game

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Creator: Carla Solarte
Game Name: The $100 Goal
Game Design Engine: Scratch

Elvis has been planning to give a special birthday present to his best friend Lora. They've been friends since elementary and have also been neighbours since then. Their parents get along very well, both families sometimes share some fun time by celebrating christmas together and other events during the year. Elvis and Lora are currently 15 years old and in a couple of days, Lora is turning 16, so Elvis decided to give her something special from his own money that he earned by completing tasks and helping others throughout his neighborhood. Hopefully Elvis manages to collect his money and buy her the present before the day of her birthday, so help him out on completing the tasks that must be done in able to earn the money, at least $100.

This mini game is playable for everybody, there is no violence involved. The player must move around the town and help out people with some simple tasks so that he could earn his money to complete the objective which is the $100
Winning scenario: Basically to finish or win the game, the player has to collect the money for the present.

Automation ideas:
As soon as you start the game, a big button will appear where the player would have to click in able to begin the game. There will be an option where you can look at the rules of the game in case the player is not sure of what he/she has to accomplish in the mini game. In able for the player to move from one area to another, there will be some arrows displayed and the player only needs to talk over it.

Image result for mythical forest
An idea of how the scenario would look like.
