Reflection #2

Image result for low poly light bulb

As said before, for my game design class, our teacher set us a project where we have to create our own game with our imagination. This game can be any type of game, we can do it in a group of 4 or less. If you haven’t read my first reflection, go to the following link to have a better idea of the main objective and how I started with my project. 

Image result for crey

After a week or two of continuing designing my game in Crey, I have done some progress with it, in my opinion. Well not as much as I expected but luckily I have a winter break next week and hopefully this will give time to try and finish my game during the week, that would be my ideal plan but there are always other things coming up which can hold me back on my project. As I was saying about my progress, I managed to make more mountains, add some more details in it such as: tress, plants, mushrooms, snow, and other details. I made this big cave where I plan to be the final boss fight but before that the player has to do other things. I took a while to make that cave to be honest, doesn't look like much, but I have to shape the cave with the tools the platform provides me with. I also got the hang of moving the camera around my project. At first it was really annoying and hard to control because there are a lot of different ways you can move around. There are still some time I get frustrated with this, but in comparison to when I first started using crey, I have improved. I tried to start adding the movements and the sound effects on the enemies, to some object to make it look more realistic. I managed to do a few things.

I had a lot of difficulties with crey, mainly with the motion of the objects. There isn’t many tutorials about how to do this and that, so the majority of the things I think I will have to try and figure it out myself. I struggled in setting the enemy to chase my player in a certain range, I still don’t know how to re-spawn my player with it’s weapon in its hand after it dies. Every time she dies, she drops the weapon on that spot, so I have to go and pick it up.


I wasn’t able to do as much as I wanted to, because of other priorities I have to deal with, and I also had a very unexpected accident at home and it took time to clean up and fix the damages made. But thankfully there is a winter school break coming up, so this could be a good time to catch up with my project, I don't expect to finish it completely, but if I do, that will be great for me.
