League of Legends

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Oh yes, how would I miss out of this remarkable game. This is a game of pure strategy that had to be mentioned. Don't expect much from me, I am not one of those pro hardcore league of legends gamer, but I for sure, have tired this game before, very frustrating at times but it is really addictive.
I will go brief with this game, because this game has a lot of things and I will mainly mention my game experience and some basic functions or details about it just to give an idea of what this game is about for those who don't know about it.

What is it about?

League of Legends is a team-based strategy game where two teams of five powerful champions (five players on each team) face off to destroy the other’s base. There are over 140 champions to make cool plays, secure kills, kill minions, and take down the enemy towers leading you to victory. 

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The main objective of the game, is to destroy the enemy's nexus (where the minions spawn) to win the match. 

Player's role in the game

There are five positions that make up the recommended team comp for the game. You can deiced with your team members who goes where, these roles are:
- Top (top lane)
- Mid (middle lane)
- Bot  (bottom lane)  - ADC
                                  - Sup
- Jg (jungle)

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How to get to the nexus?

Your team needs to clear at least one lane to get to the enemy Nexus. Blocking your path are defense structures called turrets and inhibitors. Each lane has three turrets and one inhibitor, and each nexus is guarded by two turrets.

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Basic Stat Mechanics

- Health: This is the amount of life of a champion or a minion
- Mana: This is the amount that determines how much skills and abilities you can use.
- Ability Power: is the magic damage of your skills. This is usually highlighted in green on skill descriptions.
- Attack Damage: is the physical damage you deal. It is highlighted in orange on skill descriptions.
- Armor: determines how much physical damage you can negate.
- Magic Resistance: on the other hand, determines how much magic damage you can negate.
- Attack Speed:  is how fast you auto attack.
- Critical Damage: that deals twice your normal damage.
- Critical Chance: is how often you can proc your Critical Damage.

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Advance Stat Mechanics

- Lifesteal: restores health after every basic attacks.
- Spell Vamp:  restores health after casting an ability.
- On-hit Effects:  are effects like slows and magic damage that triggers when you use your auto-attack.
Tenacity: can also be classified as a form of crowd control resist.
Lethality: is a form of armor penetration that deals damage based on the level of the enemy you are attacking.
Magic Penetration: determines how much magic damage you can deal with magic resistance items.

Game Play

The first time I was introduced with league of legends, I was very confused on what to do and what where all those small boxes displayed on the screen. The tutorial gave me an idea of how to play but I was still very confused on my first match. So I played with a friend who has been playing this game for a while now and he explained to me what the items were for and depending on my champion which items I would buy with my gold earn buy mainly killing the minions. The first matches I was really, really bad. I died so many times and I got no kills, just the minions. XD But after several matched, I stared to die less and get a few kills at least. You have to be aware of what is happening around the map, not only your lane. I noticed a lot of toxicity in the game, but I just try to ignore them. The matches usually tend to last on an average of 30 minutes, sometimes less and sometimes more.


Overall I enjoy playing this game, I would like to learn more about this game, and I would like to know how the runes work. I still have a lot, but a lot of champions to unlock. I wish I had more time to have some fun, but I really don't play that often because I am usually really busy with other things and these matches can be pretty long. I give this game a 10/10 and I really wish I could play more often. :(

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