Roll For It!

Oh this game is all about rolling alright. There is a lot of rolling dice involved in this game, you can tell by the name and the image of the game. You roll dice and based on these results, you try to claim different cards with different point values. You are given six dice and allowed to roll once per turn. Various people can lay claims to the same card, but once one player gets a card, all the claiming dice are returned to their respective players.


Collect cards and aim for the ones which have greater point in able to add up the point in the end of the game, and the highest score is the winner of the game. 


- First, you need to deal three cards face-up.
- In order to choose who goes first, each player rolls two dice. The player with the highest sum goes first.
- Afterwards, you are allowed to roll all six dice once a turn. You'll want to match the results of your roll to the cards that you want to get. When doing this, you can put your dice wherever you want, but one die can only go to one card.
- Once you place a die, it can't be moved to another card. If you choose not to, you don't have to place any dice during your turn.
- Once a card is scored by the player, all dice on claim to that card are returned to their respective players.
- There is also a special "take-back" rule: at the beginning of a player's turn, they may choose to take back all of their six dice and roll. The first player to 40 points wins!

Game Mechanics 

Dice rolling: there is a lot of rolling dice involved in this game, as you can see by the pictures and what you have read so far. This game game uses six sided dice, a small cube with each side having a different number of spots on it, ranging from one to six. The dice is thrown not knowing what would be the outcomes of the dice's value. This value will be used to match up with the cards displayed on the table.

There is also the risk-and-reward tactic involved in the game: once you place your dice on a card, you can't get them back until either you or another player wins the entire card. One of my classmates locked himself in, he placed a few dice down for the 6-die card, but then he placed another die for another card. Since you only get six dice, he was left to be locked in. If you choose to go for a six-die card, the risk would be that it might take you a really long time to get it.

Game Play

After reading the rules of the game with my classmates, we began to play and at first it didn't fell that exiting, but after a few times of rolling the dice, things got interesting when there were dice I had already placed on the table. Why interesting? Because all of a sudden, someone took a card and a new card was placed and I wanted that new card but I couldn't get it because I already used some of my dice and placed it in another card that was very difficult to get. So I had to try and aim for the cards that had greater point or cards that the other player were not that interested in. There were times where I had my dice on a card waiting for my last dice to get the perfect roll and then someone else got lucky and took it first than me and didn't had to wait as long as I was waiting. 

Image result for roll for it game


I consider it a fun game, it is very easy to understand it's rules. It is very simple and fun at the same time, you can take it anywhere you want because it is easy to carry around in your bag or even pockets. I would recommend it for a family who wants to play with their kids, I am sure they would enjoy it. Overall I give this game a 7/10.
