Set Game Review

The Game of Visual Perception

Image result for set cards game

Set, set those cards out on the table as you and the rest of the players try to collect three cards that can not match in any aspect. Look closely, full concentration, you don’t want to have cards with any similarities. A game which test your skills of visual recognition.


Collect as many sets of three cards as you can without any similarities within them.

What does it consist of?

Twelve cards must be displayed on the table at first with no order needed. The players must look very closely and have a go visual recognition in able to collect the correct set of cards for the players to accumulate during the game. There are four features in the cards you must keep in mind which are:
  • Symbols: diamonds, ovals or squiggles.
  • Numbers: one, two or three (No. of symbols on the cards).
  • Colours: purple, red or green.
  • Shades: filled in, striped or empty
Image result for set cards game

When the player selects their three cards, none of the four features can be the same. For example: if  you were to have three cards and they have different features except the shading, (filled,filled, stipes) they are not valid for you to have.
If you were to have three cards and they have different features except the colour (green, red, green) they must be placed back with the rest of the cards displayed on the table, it is not valid.
Same would apply for the number of symbols in the cards and it’s symbols. As soon as someone spots a set and keeps it to himself, the empty spots on the table are filled with new cards until there are no cards remaining to set on the table.

Game Mechanics 

Visual perception: set is a game that test your skills to have a fast visual perception. Lots of concentration is required to identify all the details of the cards you are willing to from your set. The more you play, you will improve your skills to perceive the features of the cards set on the table.
Race: There is no order of who goes next. Players compete against each other as they race to collect as much set of cards as possible before the game is finished. The game will go on until there are on cards remaining to set on the table. Then the players may proceed to compare who has the most set of cards and announce a winner.
Set collection: a player would mainly aim throughout the game to collect a set of cards keeping in mind the rules of the game.

Image result for set cards game

My experience playing the game

The rules were straight forward, they are very simple and easy to understand. As soon as the 12 cards were set on the table, the game had begun, and the four of us were concentrated looking straight at the cards. During the game I noticed several times where there was one of us that thought to have the correct set but at the last moment we noticed he/she had one similarity that was not spoted. We also had to be aware of the cards the other players had chosen were completely different. After a while playing the game, it felt very monotonous, very simple, so we started to get bored. There isn’t much interaction with the other players, so this made the game feel slow even though we have to perceive the cards fast. But since it was actually not that easy to have the correct set, we spent quite some time just staring at the table.


In my opinion, it didn’t enjoy the game after playing for 10 minutes. I could tell from strat with the instructions that the game was very simple. The instructions were easy to learn because the game wasn’t very interesting, it didn’t have good interactive game mechanics. I felt no emotion during the time I played. The time I took looking for the cards made things go slow and sometimes frustrating because there were times I thought I got a set, but I was wrong. It seems to me more like a family game for young kids to play with their parents or sibling. It is not my type of games, I give it a 3/10.
